I've been in a bit of denial the past couple of weeks, which is why I haven't updated the blog with Little Man's 9 month info. Because my baby cannot be 9 months old already. That's only 3 months away from being a year old. And THAT is just crazy! This little kid army crawling around our living room has to belong to someone else. I have a teeny tiny little non-mobile lump of a baby, not this very active almost-toddler! The old days of putting him on the floor on a blanket and watching him play under his activity center while I peacefully watch TV are long gone. I now have to chase after him to make sure he doesn't pull glasses of iced tea off the coffee table (which has happened), or stick his fingers in electrical outlets (which ALMOST happened), or put dog food in his mouth...
Anyway, he is now army crawling like a champ, and almost regular crawling; he can sit up on his own and is starting to pull up on everything. MyLovf lowered the crib mattress to the lowest level and the very next morning we found him standing up in his crib. Talk about a close call! If it hadn't been moved, the little guy would've ended up falling out! He is eating almost everything, the doctor said the only things we have to wait on are eggs, honey, fresh strawberries, peanut butter, and milk until he's a year old. At his well baby visit he was 19 pounds, 13 ounces and 30 inches long!
We took him to the park for the first time for his 9th Monthday. He was so cute in the swings and going down the slide!
After the park, I gave him his first ever hair cut. I think I did pretty well!
Here's my little cutie on St. Patrick's Day. His shirt says "I'm a McCutie". He also had these cute little bobble shamrocks for his head, but he refused to keep them on. I was unsuccessful in getting a photo of them.

He sure looks grown up with his hair cut! What a cutie!
He is too cute. So handsome with his new haircut! And Gianna totally tried to eat dogfood too. I've caught her gnawing on a dog bone before! It's hard having a mobile child haha
Love his grown up little hair cut! Actually, I love all the pictures. He's too adorable for words!
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