So last night I'm sitting on the couch watching TV with my hand in my pants ('cause I'm klassy like that) so it's pressed between the waist band of my jeans and my belly and I swear on all.things.sacred that I felt the little one kick me! From the outside! Just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind, I grabbed DH's hand and put it where mine had been. About a minute later, he felt it too!
I thought we wouldn't feel anything like that for a few more weeks! Now he's all about rubbing the belly : )
Friday, January 30, 2009
I swear, I'm not crazy...
Posted by ♥ Lovfer♥ 4 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
18 weeks!
There's really nothing new to report right now. I'm feeling the little one every day, mostly at night after dinner and we're watching TV (and of course, during Lakers games). I've also noticed that the little nudger likes his/her daddy's voice. S/he goes a bit crazy whenever he starts talking, it's so freakin' cute to me. We're going to have to get some ear phones so that I can play Mozart to my belly. We want this kid smart!
My mom and I will be heading off to Target on Saturday to order the baby's furniture! I am soooo excited! DH found a set there that he really liked and let me tell ya, he did a good job! It's so nice! We also need to find a glider, but the samples they have in the store aren't very impressive and they're kind of spendy. I'm hoping to snag a deal on Craigslist for a good one.

Posted by ♥ Lovfer♥ 8 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
Don't poke back!
DH is just too cute for words sometimes. The little nudger and I play this game where s/he pokes me, and I'll poke the spot where I felt it. Sometimes it gets him/her to do it again, and sometimes it doesn't, but I find it highly amusing. So DH observed this last night and wanted to know why I was poking my belly. He was totally mortified when I told him about our little game, swearing up and down that I was going to end up poking his/her little soft spot and giving our child brain damage... mmkay... if anything, I'd be poking a foot or a hand, but considering all the fluid in there, it's more probable that I'm just making him/her swish around a little bit. He finds the weirdest things to freak out over. So now I guess we'll just play our little game when daddy isn't watching.
Sorry, no 17 week belly pic, I've been seriously sick for the last week and didn't feel like getting up off the couch, let alone getting all dolled up to take a picture.
Posted by ♥ Lovfer♥ 2 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The last time I went to the doctor, the Physician's Assistant (PA) that I had kept going on and on about how exciting my next appointment would be because we would be able to find out if our little one is a boy or a girl. So today, when we were told that not only were we never scheduled for an ultrasound, but that they don't even do one until 18-20 weeks because baby wouldn't be developed enough for them to tell for sure, I was pretty annoyed. And very bummed. Now we have to wait for our NEXT appointment, four weeks out, before they'll even attempt it. So booooo to that! On the upside, we did get to hear the baby's heartbeat again, 152bpm. : )
Posted by ♥ Lovfer♥ 2 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Go Lil’ Lakers fan! Go!
I felt it again! *Pop! Pop!* and then a lot of rolling around. Then it dawned on me... the first time I ever felt those little pops was also during a Lakers game! I think the little one was excited that the Lakers were woopin’ on the Cavaliers last night! I’m sure it’s no secret by now that I’m a die-hard Lakers fan, so I’m ecstatic to know that I’m already starting this kid off on the right foot! Woo! Go Lakers! And go little one! Keep kicking your mama!
Posted by ♥ Lovfer♥ 2 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Ok, THAT was a kick!
I was laying on my back watching T.V. yesterday and I felt this little pop, pop, pop on my lower left. And then again a minute or two later. Totally the popcorn feeling I've been hearing about. So crazy.
Posted by ♥ Lovfer♥ 8 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
16 weeks!
And I'm feeling flutters! I was feeling them last week too, but I wasn't really sure what they were, so I didn't say anything for fear of people telling me that it was too early, or that it was gas. For crying out loud, I KNOW what gas feels like, I've been getting gas for the past 26 years! This is something entirely new. The little one must be doing somersaults in there; all of a sudden, it feels like my stomach drops. Kind of like the sensation you get when you're riding a roller coaster. It's weird. But in a good way, obviously. I can't even begin to tell you how reassuring those little sensations are. I have not worried about lack of symptoms since I started feeling them. : )
I sent a belly pic to my BFF a couple of weeks ago (the 14 week one), and she called me later to talk. As we're talking, I hear her DH in the background wondering aloud why I even bother with the pictures. I think it went something like "It's not like there's anything there yet, she just looks fat". If it was possible to do, I would've reached through the phone and strangled him. But I shouldn't have worried because then I hear **SMACK** and then him going "OW!". She must've gotten him good! LOL She asked me for weekly belly pics, so I'm gonna send them! Butthead. He jokes like that all the time, I just hope he wasn't making those kind of comments to her when she was pregnant!
Update on the vag. It's doing better I think. We might try again this weekend. Cross your fingers that it's finally back to normal. After back-to-back yeast infections, and now this, I'm ready for some lovin'!
Here are the latest belly pics. I have no idea why they came out so foggy : (

Posted by ♥ Lovfer♥ 5 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
TMI Post... You've been warned
I think my vag hates me. Hates me with an all consuming passion. I don't know it's reason for the sudden animosity; I always thought I was pretty good to it! But I guess I was wrong. I'm pretty confident that the latest infection has gone away, so why then does sex feel like red hot pokers? I was so excited last night to try again (it's been almost a MONTH!), but it just hurt too bad : (
I was under the impression that sex got better in the 2nd Tri, but I have yet to experience it. It's so depressing! I'm hoping my doc will be able to help me. I have an appointment next week.
Posted by ♥ Lovfer♥ 5 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
15 Weeks!

Posted by ♥ Lovfer♥ 10 comments