I think it's safe to say that I've popped.
And no, I am NOT arching my back or pushing out my stomach! In fact, I'm actually sucking it in a little bit! I think it may be time to move on to maternity pants for work too, those ones used to be pretty loose, and now I have to work to get them to clasp.
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday to address some issues I've been having. I know I read that yeast infections are pretty common while PG, but I've had TWO in the last three months. That's more than I've had in all the years prior to getting KU. So.NOT.fun! They weren't really able to help me with the first one because I was in the 1st Tri, but this time, they gave me a glorious little pill that should knock the sucker out in 24 hours. I think it's working, I'm already feeling better. Should be tip top by the end of the day today or tomorrow morning. Yay! I've also gained two pounds since my last visit. The last time they weighed me, I'd lost two pounds, so I guess I'm back to my pre-preg weight...? I don't remember how much I weighed originally.
We go back in two weeks for our BIG u/s! I'm so excited! I can't wait : )

I would say you popped, you looks great! I cant believe your big u/s in 2 weeks, im excited for you!
You look great... I love your 15 week bump. Happy TCD!!!!! Hope your feeling better soon :)
I'm so excited for your big u/s, can't wait to hear about it!
Lovin' the belly, so stinkin' cute.
Yay 15 weeks!!!
Your bump is too cute, you look great.
Yay you look great!! I'm so excited to find out if baby lovf is a boy or a little girl :)
look at that adorable baby belly!! i love it- you look great
Yay for 2nd trimester! You look great! Hope you feel better soon!
You're so freaking adorable. Good luck getting your cooter under control. Ask the doc about eating more yogurt which is a natural remedy to prevent yeast infections.
Your baby momma Sniff
Yay! You have a cute baby bump! :-)
Yup, you've popped, and look super cute, too!
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