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Monday, October 20, 2008

I will NOT get my hopes up!

I will NOT get my hopes up! I will NOT get my hopes up!

This is so frustrating! I don't know how anybody does this for any length of time. I think I may go completely insane if this takes much longer.

Ok, here's why I'm freaking out... my boobs hurt. Like. A lot. They've been hurting for several days, which for me, is unusual. Not in my entire 26 years have my boobs ever hurt. Then there's my chart. It looks completely different from all the ones that have come before it. I O'd later than usual, and my post O temps are more level now than they've ever been. The stupid thing looks phenomenal! Only, DH and I had terrible timing! I'm 10DPO and driving myself batty. I must look at it like 50 times a day. Logically, we have a snowballs' chance in hell that I'm KU right now, but I can't help but be optimistic anyway! Sometimes, I feel like smacking myself just to snap myself out of it. And finally, the fortune cookies are conspiring to push me over the edge. That's right. Fortune cookies. For those that know my story, a fortune cookie practically predicted my BFP in March. It was eerie. I have gotten no less than three fortunes in the last two weeks that have overly optimistic messages about how our goal will soon be met or a happy surprise is on it's way...

4 more days till I can test. 4 more days till I can have some measure of sanity back. 4 more days till we can try again, and dammit, I don't care how tired he is, DH WILL be jumped nightly!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, girl!! Your chart DOES look fantastic...I've got everything crossed for you! And I love the fortune cookie thing...classic!

Carly said...

ohhh lovfer- I am hoping and praying this is it! my boobs kill if that is any help ;) MUAH my fingers are crossed

Shannon said...

GL when you test my dear cycle buddy! I hope this is it for you!

Andrea said...

I sure hope this is it for you! I know how you feel about getting your hopes up and looking at your chart 50 times a day. Your chart does look really good. Sending baby dust your way!