Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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Friday, October 24, 2008

Today I am Pregnant and I Love my Baby

I guess I should have allowed myself to hope. I got a BFP this morning!!! My temp shot way up yesterday so I knew something was up. Too bad I didn't actually LOOK at the BBT until after I had peed and taken a shower. I would've tested yesterday if I'd checked it first!

I got up this morning at 5:30 and went straight to the bathroom. The line popped up in like 20 seconds and was dark. Not like March when I took two tests and I couldn't tell for sure, so I'm really hoping that is a good sign. I took some pictures of the test and then woke DH up and told him that he's gonna be a daddy. He smiled at me and pulled me back into bed to snuggle. I had to get back up a little while later to update my ladies, they are soooo impatient! Gah! I also had to let Sniffy know that she has another Baby Mama! LOL I'm so ecstatic right now I can barely contain myself. I was actually a little surprised at my reaction to the + test. I thought for sure I would be more guarded, but nope, I'm bouncing off the walls. It makes me happy to know that I reacted the same way to this BFP as I did to the last one. Of course, I'm still worried, but not as much as I thought I would be. The mantras I found on SAL have really helped me to put it all in perspective. That's one of the mantras in my post title. Today I am pregnant and I love my baby. Another one I like is "Hope does not make bad things happen. You cannot jinx your pregnancy by creating a ticker, getting excited, or telling someone. Live in the positive!!" I am going to repeat these to myself as often as I need to.

Now I'm gonna call the doctor's office and demand a blood test. : )

Here's the HPT, no doubt about it!


Sarah said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I still can't believe I have 2 baby mommas out there. I'm so proud of you and am so happy for you. This is it, you are pregnant and you love your baby. Nothing else is needed but congrats and a hug (from me).


Audrey said...

I love you!!!!

I'm so happy for you and MrLovf, and am so happy to have Lil' Lovf with us!!!!


Anonymous said...

girl, i am so stinking happy for you it's sick! and for the record, i LOVF the mantras you mention. plz, plz, plz remind me of them when my magical BFP arrives!

can't wait to see you on saturday and give you a great big ginormous HUG!

LuLu said...

I am just on cloud 9 for you, this is so exciting. And I love the quotes you have, it's so true. You aren't going to jinx yourself by creating a ticker (which btw I love), you are pregnant and your little baby is growing healthy inside of you.
Yay for baby lovfer!!!!

Ro @ Ro is me! said...

AHHHHH!!! I'm SO HAPPY for you!!

Congrats MamaLovf!

CLML said...

So happy for your sweetie! Congrats!

Shannon said...

Im so stinkin' happy for you Lovf! This is such wonderful news and I love your positive attitude!

L said...

Congrats Lovf!
So excited for you:)

Andrea said...


Carly said...

YAY YAY YAY- i am so happy for you, and I am PROUD of you for enjoying every moment and taking those mantras to heart

Megan said...

So that's why you took so long to come on! Congrats Lovf!! Wishing all the best and I love the mantras! *hugs*