Weekly Survey
- How far along?: 27 Weeks
- Total weight gain: ?: starting weight was 126.
- How big is baby?: Baby is two pounds and 15 inches long.
- Maternity clothes?: Exclusively and I'm trying to get creative with it. I don't like wearing the same few outfits all the time, so I'm experimenting with accessories and shoes and such.
- Sleep?: Still pretty good!
- Best moment this week/Milestones?: THIRD TRIMESTER! OMG! I can't freakin' believe that it's going by so fast. We hit it hard and started moving stuff around to make room for baby stuff in our bedroom. We got all the big stuff moved, but now our space is a disaster of pictures that need to be rehung and displaced junk that needs to be gone through. We made a trip to IKEA to get a better storage system for LM's toys and other random stuff. He also got a new big boy dresser. It all proved to be a little much for me and I had to sit and relax for a little while to stop the braxton hicks contractions. As much as I hate seeing all the clutter and crap laying around, I can't bring myself to get up out of my recliner to do anything about it.
- Movement?: It's getting crazy. I'm watching LO have a dance party right now :)
- Food cravings?: Oatmeal Cream Pies. It's a sickness.
- Belly button in or out?: Same as last week
- What I miss: I miss alcohol today. It's my mom's birthday and we took her out to dinner. The drink she ordered looked so yummy. Want!
- What I'm looking forward to: Our appointment is on Thursday! I can't wait to see this little guy again. I am NOT looking forward to the glucose test. Call me paranoid, but I'm also anxious to make sure he's still a boy. The money shot we got at 20 weeks was only ok.
- Developments: He's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother him, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.
- Other Stuff: I ended up having to get that root canal on Monday. There was just no getting around it or postponing it.
- Wednesday brought an adjustment to my braces that nearly killed me. They had to reposition five of the brackets and taking off the old ones was awful! It felt like they were trying to yank my teeth out of my head... with no anesthesia. I went from being super excited about finally getting them off to being terrified. It's gonna hurt so bad :(
- Our hospital tour was moved to December 3rd. So much for a baby centered afternoon.
- I've recently developed an obsession for Origami Owl lockets. I discovered them a couple of weeks ago and have systematically spent all of the money I made from my Etsy shop on charms and dangles for my necklace. I'm tapped out now, but my locket is so pretty! My mom also got one for her birthday :)
- I got my baby carrier and diaper bag backpack this week too. I think those were really the only things we NEED for this LO.
Belly Pic!

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