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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

OMG I'm so nervous!

I can't believe we're telling everyone tomorrow! It seems like just yesterday we got the BFP! I decided that instead of taking a picture of the reactions, I'm going to video tape it. My digital camera has a nifty little feature that allows up to 20 minutes of film. I'll be running around all morning "capturing the day" for my little sister (wink wink) who is in Boot Camp. She's been requesting pics anyway, perfect excuse right? So I'll gather everyone together for a group shot (only I'll really be filming) and tell them to say "Jen's pregnant!" on the count of three. I'm all giddy just thinking about it! Come on tomorrow! Hurry up and get here : )


Lindsay said...

Awww, so exciting! Make sure to post the video here so we can all see too ;-)

Shannon said...

AWWW, im so excited for you! I cant wait to see the video, how sweet!

Carly said...

you saw my video- it was on my digi camera as well, and i cherish it- I totally agree with taping the reaction, if you do still frame you may miss the best of it

good luck! and YAY!!!

Lindsay said...

That is so exciting! Can't wait to hear their reactions to the news. Hope that you have a great Thanksgiving.

Shell said...

How exciting!!! Why haven't you been on the bump much??

Ro @ Ro is me! said...

Eeep! How exciting!!!

I can't wait to hear all about it!

L said...

That sounds awesome! Can't wait to see it:)

Anonymous said...

sounds like an adorable way to tell your family!! can't wait to see the video...

happy thanksgiving!

Molly said...

How fun! I'm excited for you!

Lulu said...

Sooo, how did it go?!?!

Carly said...

i love the video- the delay is hysterical, it is so great you have it on tape!