Weekly Survey
- How far along?: 24 weeks
- Total weight gain/loss: +21 pounds... yeah... I know it's not anything to worry about, but I seriously hate seeing the numbers on the scale going up.
- How much does Baby weigh?: According to BabyZone, BabyLovf weighs a pound and a half.
- Maternity clothes? Yep
- Stretch marks? Nope
- Sleep: I'm finding it a little tougher to find a comfy position, but once I'm actually sleeping, I'm out for the night.
- Best moment this week: Buying a new pair of maternity jeans. OMG, the Secret Panel ones from MM are soooooooooooo comfortable.
- Movement: Every day! Getting a bit stronger now.
- Food cravings: KFC Famous Bowls
- Gender: It's still a BOY! (I'll be taking this one out for next week)
- Labor Signs: No, thank goodness
- Belly Button in or out? Still flat
- What I miss: Daquiris
- What I am looking forward to: Tomorrow, when I can wear my new jeans. And Tuesday's appt.
- Milestones: Today is Viability Day!!!
I've been feeling the teeny one rolling around a lot more. It always makes me wonder what the heck he's doing in there! ::pictures him using my bladder as a punching bag:: It's such a cool feeling, I wish DH could experience it just once. It's really hard to describe and I worry that he feels a little left out.
No bare belly today, I don't think you really wanna see my panties and celulite covered thighs!

You look GREAT, hon!
Love the hair. And dress. And the bump!
You are ridiculously adorable! I'm glad you're feeling well and able to get some sleep. I'm still waking up 2-4 times per night.
Happy V Day and TCD!!! Congrats. And you look fabolous!!!
You look adorable!! & Yay for 24 weeks:)
I love your dress!! You look great!
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