Weekly Survey
- How far along?: 26 weeks
- Total weight gain: I forgot to weigh myself this morning, maybe I'll remember next week. But don't hold your breath.
- How much does baby weigh?: About 2 pounds
- Maternity clothes?: Every day, though I can still pull off the rubber band trick with a couple of my work pants.
- Stretch marks?: Nope, and praying that they never show. The linea is ugly enough TYVM
- Sleep?: Still pretty good : )
- Best moment this week?: Umm... I can't really think of one right now
- Movement?: There are times where he'll be still for a long while and then go completely insane. It's so funny to watch my belly jumping around like mad.
- Food cravings?: Mozzarella cheese sticks
- Labor signs?: Nope, and I'd like to keep it that way for a while.
- Belly button in or out?: Still flat
- What I miss: SEX... and wine. But mostly sex.
- What I'm looking forward to: Trip to CA, we leave tomorrow night! Woo hoo!
- Milestone: This is my last week of 2nd Trimester. The home stretch is in sight!

You look so great! Have fun on your vacation!
enjoy Cali! I'm in So Cal if your in the area.
Oh wow, you are looking so cute hun!
You look super cute! I love that shirt.
You look so great! What a perfect baby belly:) Yay for 26 weeks!!!!
Seriously...could you get any cuter?!? I hope you have a great trip this weekend.
you look sooo great, what a perfect belly!! (and it is all belly, follows all the OWT's about having a boy )
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