Don't really have anything new to report on. Belly looks pretty much the same as it did last week. Kicks are felt often. And we're on the hunt for our ever elusive crib. Other than that... I got nothin'
So here's my 19 week (is that right? 19 freakin' weeks?! Holy crap!) belly pic! Enjoy!

Beautiful as always, hon!
You're just too freakin' cute for words!
You look great!!
Whatever! You are just as beautiful as you are every week!
Looking good Mamma!
You look great!
FYI, if the crib you were talking about earlier is the DaVinci Kalani one (I can't really tell for sure from your picture), we just ordered the same thing in black from They have all 4 colors:
It's $319 with free shipping. There's a $20 off coupon available for it, so just Google for the code. I ordered it yesterday morning and it shipped the same day.
Good luck!
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