It's a VERY blue room right now, but worry not, I totally have a plan ; )
The view from the doorNorth Wall
West Wall
South Wall
The Border! We'll be painting a red horizontal stripe around the middle of the room (chair rail height) and will be placing the border over that. It should give it a little more oomph : )
The Cutest Valance in the World! I LOVF the checkers! It's actually about two inches too short for the window, but I'm gonna get red panels to go on either side to make up the difference.
AND the tires kill me every time. So cute!
Night light. Perfect no?
Wall hanging. There are three other ones that go with this set, but I can't find them right now. The search continues!
I'm so psyched to have this started and cannot wait to have it all put together. Once everything is painted we're gonna put the crib together. Right now though, this is the crib...
And this is my big cushy rocker/recliner. It is so comfortable! I can't wait to rock BabyLovf in this!

Looks awesome!!!!!
Love it!
It's going to be adorable!
Oh, Lovfers, I think that's going to be absolutely the most manly precious there is in the world! I really like your choice of blue- great shade!
It's perfect sweetie, just perfect!
Looks super cute!
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