Weekly Survey
- How far along?: 26 weeks
- Total weight gain: I forgot to weigh myself this morning, maybe I'll remember next week. But don't hold your breath.
- How much does baby weigh?: About 2 pounds
- Maternity clothes?: Every day, though I can still pull off the rubber band trick with a couple of my work pants.
- Stretch marks?: Nope, and praying that they never show. The linea is ugly enough TYVM
- Sleep?: Still pretty good : )
- Best moment this week?: Umm... I can't really think of one right now
- Movement?: There are times where he'll be still for a long while and then go completely insane. It's so funny to watch my belly jumping around like mad.
- Food cravings?: Mozzarella cheese sticks
- Labor signs?: Nope, and I'd like to keep it that way for a while.
- Belly button in or out?: Still flat
- What I miss: SEX... and wine. But mostly sex.
- What I'm looking forward to: Trip to CA, we leave tomorrow night! Woo hoo!
- Milestone: This is my last week of 2nd Trimester. The home stretch is in sight!