*Tired sigh*
I made it through the party with all my limbs and most of my sanity intact.
There were some early morning annoyances, but the party itself went off without a hitch. Awesomesauce! Little Man had a blast despite cousin trying to take his new toys away and, of course, we had way too much food. Should make for some excellent breakfast in the morning!
MyLovf carved a watermelon pirate fruit ship!
Masterpiece :)
Little Man with his presents. He was not happy that most of the bags contained clothes. Mama, on the other hand, was thrilled!
Mom and Daddy came through for him, though. We bought him Bucky!
After presents, we sang him Happy Birthday. He was so freaking cute! He got all embarrassed and tried to hide. When people stopped paying attention to him, he helped to hand out the cupcakes.
Mama-made cupcake toppers.
What's super funny (read: ironic) is that when we were checking out, the cashier asked us if we wanted to purchase the two-year replacement plan for $5. "Oh, no thanks, we should be ok."
They know what's up.
I'm still hoping that it'll dry out and work again. Please, oh please, oh please! Later while we were cleaning up, I dropped a half full container of Greek yogurt on the floor.
TTC: Stupid A/C screwed with temping on CDs 10 and 12. We usually have it set pretty high to save money, but since the house if full of people, my dad turned it down 5 degrees cooler than normal. My damn chart looks like a mountain range. If there is a cycle #3, I think I'll switch to vaginal temping.

**UPDATE: It works! It works! Yay!**
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