I just got back from our monthly appointment and I am sooooo happy to report that everything with the little one is just great. I am totally lovfing our doctor, he gives me an ultrasound everytime I go there. It's so great and so reassuring. I was a nervous wreck yesterday, imagining the worst, and now I feel so light : )
Baby was moving all around, kicking and waving and the heartbeat sounded really strong, so I am going to really try to stop worrying about everything and have faith that all is well. I think DH is going to go ahead and get me a doppler anyway though, because he saw how I was driving myself crazy. He said that if hearing the heartbeat whenever I want will keep me calm, then he's gonna find me one. Oh how I lovf that man!
Here's the little one!
Oh, and a small confession... I had myself so panicked last night that I took my last $tree test. It was still positive! LOL

So glad to hear everything went well!!
What a great Christmas gift :-)
I am so glad everything is going well Lovf! Isnt seeing your little one moving around the best!! Merry Christmas!
Lovf-er, I'm so happy everything went okay at the doctor's office! You're doing a great job baking baby lovf! :)
Im glad the appt went well, I love the u/s pic!
Yay! So glad to see baby Lovf is growing nice & strong.
I'm glad everything is well :) LOL about the test. I totally would do the same thing.
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