So much for waiting till Tuesday to test!
woke up feeling... funny, and then my temp was a little higher this
morning when I was expecting it to go down for AF. With my history of miscarriage I was indecisive about testing early, but MyLovf is
off work this weekend, there was no one else in the house, and waiting
for test day would've meant testing alone; PLUS the very compelling
dream that my friend in IL had about getting a text from me with a pic
of the positive test. She hasn't been wrong yet!
That's just Fate talking to me right there,
isn't it? How do you deny Fate?
I let MyLovf know that I was getting ready to test and then went to the bathroom. I peed in the cup and put the little drops in, watched the liquid go across the window, and!... nothing. Stark white. Bummer. Oh well. I walked out of the bathroom, gave MyLovf a sad little shake of the head and then headed into the bedroom. I threw the test and everything in the trash can and went about straightening things up. A minute or two later, I felt the need to dig that cheapo Walmart test out of the trash to look at it again and I'll be damned if there wasn't something there!
A squinter, if you will.
Now before you drag out the "any line you see after 10 minutes is crap" rule, you should know that this all happened within 5 minutes, which is well within the testing limits. And even though it's really faint, there is a line there.
I called MyLovf back into the room to look at it and he saw the same. I took a picture of it and sent it to J in IL, and she saw it. I was skeptical. MyLovf was skeptical. It really is faint. We went to the $Tree and I bought a couple more tests (the ones that gave me LM's BFP). I took one this afternoon after letting my urine concentrate for a few hours, and again, a really faint positive.
So I guess I'm KTFU!
But I'm scared.
Two miscarriages makes me scared. I am seriously kicking myself in the ass for testing early because OMG what if that test turns negative before AF is due on Monday? *please God, don't let that happen* I'm scared to let myself get excited. I don't think I'm even going to announce it on the boards until Tuesday, so if you're from TB and reading this, I would appreciate it if you kept it on the DL and said a little prayer for a sticky baby.
I have two more tests in my drawer and will definitely be using them tomorrow and Monday, but again, won't say anything about it until Tuesday.
In the mean time, I will be trying my hardest not to worry.
*NOTE - I am 13DPO today*

I see it with no squints!
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