What an awesomely fan-FUCKING-tastic day!
I've been thinking about what I wanted to post since yesterday, but all I hear in my head is Alan Jackson's Margaritaville... I don't know why. I haven't heard it in ages, but for some reason it popped into my head and will not go away. Good thing I actually like the song!
MyLovf called me at 10:00am and told me that he would definitely be able to make it to the appointment, so that started the day off with a bang. At about 10:30, my dad called my little brother and asked him to bring the other car into town so that it could be detailed, which was perfect because I had been puzzling over how to get him out there without looking suspicious. My grandparents left for California early this morning, so I didn't have to worry about them finding out and having my grandma tell literally anyone and everyone she came into contact with.
Everything was falling into place for the big announcement!
After the longest six and a half hours in the history of the world, we headed out to the office. We got there about 20 minutes early and they took us right back. Thank goodness, because my bladder was about to bust! I laid back on the table, the tech squirted the goo on my stomach, and the second that wand touched my skin I could see the little sac with the squishy gummy bear inside. She moved all around and measured this and checked that. She told me I have a small (4mm) cyst on my left ovary, which is completely normal and totally fine; it will go away on it's own in a few weeks. And finally zoomed in on the little one. She measured crown to rump and pointed out the little flicker of a heartbeat. What a sound! Hearing that beautiful woop woop woop banished all the anxiety, fear, and doubt I've been carrying around for the last month. I felt so uplifted!
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I lovf how the yolk sac looks like a little halo above the head :) |
BL#2 is measuring right on schedule at 8w3d and has a heartbeat of 180bpm. In comparison, I went in for my first u/s with Little Man at 8w4d and his heartbeat was 167bpm. The timing of our second u/s will match up pretty closely to what we did with LM as well. I'm very interested to see how similar that one will be. We'll be doing an NT scan at this one also where my previous doc didn't think it to be very important at all when I was pregnant with LM.
While we were sitting waiting for our follow up, we showed LM the u/s pic and told him he's going to be a big brother. He looked a little dubious when we said that mommy has a baby in her belly. I don't think he quite gets what's happening, but the look on his face was hilarious. At the follow up with the midwife, she was surprised that my LMP perfectly matched with the dating from the tech. I had to admit that I knew when I ovulated, so I adjusted the LMP I gave them by three days. I know I'm weird, but I don't like it when someone tells me I'm due on a day other than the 16th, even if we're only talking a day or two. She laughed.
After we left the office I called my parents to nonchalantly suggest that we have dinner out. Luckily they were down because I did not have a back up plan for telling them! We met them at their work and hung out while they closed out the day, then we headed over to our favorite Vietnamese restaurant. I was craving me some phở! I changed LM into the shirt that I bought him a couple of weeks ago that says Most Awesome Big Brother! and hustled him into the restaurant before the others got there. I was expecting them to see it right away; the shirt he wore to the office was a muted blue and the new shirt was bright-ass orange! Nope. No one even gave it a second glance.
We ordered our food and I kept looking at LM to see if you could read the shirt, but the way he was sitting only the Most Awesome part was visible. The few times that you could read the whole thing, no one was looking at him. We were almost finished with dinner when LM spilled a little broth on his shirt and my little brother was looking right.at.it! How did he not notice what it said!?
My brother leaned back a bit and my mom was looking over at them. I was watching her to see if she would get it. I could read the whole thing as she slowly realized what it meant. She had confusion all over her face when she met my giddy, silly grin across the table.
"Oh yeah!"
Cue tears and hugs. My dad and brother were still oblivious and asking what was happening so my mom stood LM up on his chair so they could read the shirt. I called my sister and told her the cat was out of the bag, then I called my other brother to tell him he's going to be an uncle again and wrapped it up squeeing with my SIL.
My sister is already talking about coming to AZ in November for the shower. I pretended to be excited, but I'm not really. I'm not very excited about being six and half(ish) months pregnant and putting a dual shower together. Plus, I don't know how appropriate it would be considering this is my second and I saved pretty much everything from my first go 'round. If anything, it would be a sprinkle for me. She's the one that should get the shower. I guess these are details that will work themselves out. I have some time, so I'm not going to worry about it.
So! The news is officially out (although we are waiting till after 1st tri to make any kind of FB announcement) and I could not be happier! I taped the u/s pics to the lamp on my nightstand so it is the first thing I see when I wake up.
Cute story: MyLovf was beyond adorable this morning. I was sleeping in a sports bra because our room has been getting pretty hot and was on my back when he said his goodbye before heading to work. He spanned my stomach with his big, manly man hand and also said goodbye to the little one. ::melt::

Now that we've seen what I needed to see, I'm gonna go ahead and start posting my "belly" pics. FB won't see any till I'm comfortable in that it's actually the baby and not bloat... This is week 5-8. Enjoy!
I'm lurking from the bump and I'm so excited for you. Congratulations on the awesome ultrasound!
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